Social Media: A Lesson for Trademark Owners
A recent Quebec case and the resulting social media criticism provides a cautionary tale for trademark owners who aggressively assert their rights. Success in the court ... Continued
Our expertise helps our clients understand how the law affects their business
A recent Quebec case and the resulting social media criticism provides a cautionary tale for trademark owners who aggressively assert their rights. Success in the court ... Continued
Court considered what constitutes “use” in two cases
In McCallum Industries Ltd. v. HJ Heinz Co. Australia Ltd., the Federal Court dismissed the applicant’s action to expunge the respondent’s trademark under s. 57(1) ... Continued
Federal Court makes clear that a tougher approach to trade-mark and copyright infringement can now be expected in Canada
As reported in our recent Knowledge Bytes publication, today marks the beginning of the Sunrise period for the new .xxx domain. Owners of registered trademarks ... Continued
The final round of the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs is about to kick off here in Vancouver, with the hometown Canucks facing off for the ... Continued
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is in the news again for its cheeky ad campaigns, which sometimes use well known trademarks of ... Continued
The Globe and Mail is reporting on a dispute that has arisen between Vancouver’s Salt Tasting Room, which opened in 2006, and Toronto’s Salt Wine ... Continued
Update to Maclean’s use of image of Bonhomme (mascot of Quebec Qinter Carnival): settlement reached
This blog previously reported on the Federal Court’s decision in Target Event Production Ltd. v. Paul Cheung and Lions Communications Inc. In that January 11, ... Continued
News today that Apple is about to obtain a US trademark registration for “THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT”. Filed in 2009, Apple’s initial application covered ... Continued
Maclean’s alleged corruption in Quebec City Winter Carnival, alleged trade-mark infringement