I am very excited to be back for my articling term at Clark Wilson. I have been exposed to many new and interesting opportunities which has allowed me to develop my skills in ways that will be indispensable in my future practice as a lawyer. I have also greatly appreciated being able to learn from and build deeper connections with all the lawyers at this firm. I look forward to all that will come throughout the remainder of my articles.
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Employee Ownership Trusts: An Introduction for Business Owners
As discussed in our prior article on Employee Ownership Trusts, Canadian business owners report that finding a buyer is a significant obstacle to succession planning. ... Continued

Appellate Review and Special Costs in Committeeship Proceedings
By: Polly Storey and Vivian Thieu In British Columbia, the Patients Property Act, RSBC 1996, c. 349 (the “Act”), allows the Supreme Court of British ... Continued

Zachary Murphy-Rogers and Vivian Thieu Published in Law360 Canada
Clark Wilson’s Estates & Trusts partner Zachary Murphy-Rogers and articled student Vivian Thieu‘s article, “Declarations of death in British Columbia: Navigating presumptions and proof” was ... Continued

Posthumous Conception: How Does This Affect My Estate?
By Zachary Murphy-Rogers and Vivian Thieu Our society’s understanding of what constitutes “family” is everchanging, especially in light of our appreciation and recognition of the ... Continued

Legal Closure: Understanding the Presumption of Death Act in BC
By Vivian Thieu and Zachary Murphy-Rogers *This post was inspired by a similar post on the Declarations of Death Act, 2002 out of Ontario. The ... Continued

Death and IVF: Court Supports Posthumous Parentage Declaration
By Vivian Thieu In a new case out of Alberta, the court considered two issues regarding post-humous parentage, and reflection of that parentage on a ... Continued