Avoiding Wills Variation Claims: How Far is Too Far?
Under the Wills Variation Act (WVA), a spouse or child of a deceased person who has left a will can petition the court to vary ... Continued
Our expertise helps our clients understand how the law affects their business
Under the Wills Variation Act (WVA), a spouse or child of a deceased person who has left a will can petition the court to vary ... Continued
The recent BC Court of Appeal decision in Zeitler v. Zeitler Estate, 2010 BCCA 216 illustrates why tax consequences must be thought through carefully even ... Continued
On November 23, Mark Longo and Brock Smith are headlining the Bootup and Vancouver Enterprise Forum event, Term Sheet Theatre. They will negotiate a term ... Continued
On November 10, Stewart Muglich presented at the TSX seminar, Go Public: Your Road Map to Listing on TSX or TSX Venture. Stewart talked about ... Continued
The CSA provided guidance on unacceptable IPO share structures.
Executive compensation and bonuses have undergone much scrutiny and criticism in the aftermath of the what is being now called the ‘Great Recession’. The topic ... Continued
This past summer, an Employment Standards Branch adjudicator ruled that a former employee was entitled to an award equalling 4% of the bonuses his employer ... Continued
Update to Maclean’s use of image of Bonhomme (mascot of Quebec Qinter Carnival): settlement reached
Veronica Franco quoted in the Fall/Winter 2010 issue of Western Living Condo. In order to avoid increased purchase prices Veronica suggests buyers be mindful of ... Continued
Jennifer Loeb and Nigel Kent recently received reasons for judgment in Corbould v. BCAA Insurance Corporation, 2010 BCSC 1536, a claim for insurance coverage related ... Continued
Social media: love it, or hate it, it is becoming increasingly clear that Canadian businesses should not ignore it. Facebook now ranks with Google as ... Continued
At a recent International Trademark Association (“INTA”) Roundtable held in Vancouver, BC (the “Roundtable”), a representative from the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (“CIPO”) commented on ... Continued