Recent BC Cases Continue the Debate – What is Bad Faith in Terminations?
The Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Honda Canada Inc. v. Keays (“Honda”) suggested that awards against employers for bad faith in the handling of ... Continued
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The Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Honda Canada Inc. v. Keays (“Honda”) suggested that awards against employers for bad faith in the handling of ... Continued
For most employers, the prospect of a current employee suing them during the employment relationship is simply outlandish. For the most part, the courts have ... Continued
In our previous article regarding bad faith, we referred to the February 18, 2011 decision Beggs v Westport Foods Ltd. in which the BC Court ... Continued
The BC Government has announced that the BC minimum wage will increase in 3 stages from $8.00/hr to $10.25/hr over the next year as follows: ... Continued
In a perfect world all privately owned businesses would have impeccably maintained corporate records, contracts, employment relationships and regulatory filings. While such businesses do exist, ... Continued
After two unsuccessful attempts to pass similar legislation, Bill C–36, the Consumer Product Safety Act (the “Act”) was passed by Parliament on December 14, 2010 ... Continued
On February 15th 2011, the Minister of Finance introduced Bill 2 – the Budget Measures Implementation Act (the “Bill”) which may impact the tax liability ... Continued
A local zipline operator (or at least their CGL insurer) is probably thanking their lawyers for doing such a good job drafting their wavier of ... Continued
Employers with unionized workforces know that it is always difficult to have a termination for just cause upheld in a unionized setting. This is because ... Continued
There are a number of areas of practice where questions of capacity to instruct counsel arise and often perplex lawyers. The issue is obviously one ... Continued
Canada continues to await its first Court decision on the use of trademarks in keyword advertising. The British Columbia Court of Appeal issued its decision this week in ... Continued
When does a gift take effect? Is it enough to tell a friend or relative that you give them your car or your shares in ... Continued