2023 Federal Budget Allows Divorced or Separated Parents to Open Joint RESPs
Effective March 28, 2023 upon the tabling of the 2023 Federal Budget, divorced or separated parents can open joint RESPs for one or more of ... Continued
Our expertise helps our clients understand how the law affects their business
Effective March 28, 2023 upon the tabling of the 2023 Federal Budget, divorced or separated parents can open joint RESPs for one or more of ... Continued
New amendments to the British Columbia Family Law Act may provide clarity on a hotly contested issue arising upon separation – if a spouse has ... Continued
By Alison Colpitts On March 27, 2023, the Honourable Niki Sharma, Attorney General for British Columbia, proposed significant changes to the Family Law Act with ... Continued
Separation can be taxing, both emotionally and financially, and is a time when surprises are generally unwelcome. Knowing the effects that separation will have on ... Continued
Separation can be taxing, both emotionally and financially, and is a time when surprises are generally unwelcome. Knowing the effects separation will have on your ... Continued
One major advantage of having a professionally-prepared family law agreement is the possibility that, with advance planning and careful drafting, obligations under the agreement can ... Continued
With emotions running high and a new reality to get used to, separations are difficult enough without taking into account how you may be taxed ... Continued
Families need to understand that their tax obligations and opportunities are more complex and dynamic than regular taxpayers, requiring a proactive approach to tax planning ... Continued
By Alison Colpitts and Abigail Choi Over the past few years, COVID-19 vaccines have been a polarizing topic in family law. Last year, Clark Wilson ... Continued
In the British Columbia Supreme Court decision, SBF v. DGF, 2022 BCSC 2231, the issue concerned whether the marriage agreement that was entered into by ... Continued
We’d like to warmly welcome the newest member of our Family Law group, Anastasiya Sadovska. Anastasiya’s practice includes cohabitation and marriage agreements, parenting issues, separation ... Continued
By Adrienne Adams In Voitchovsky v. Gibson, 2022 BCCA 428 the appellant, Ms. Voitchovsky, sought an equal division of family property and spousal support from ... Continued